Making "moon sand" for Riley's new water table:
Shepard enjoyed the table more than Riley...
She's off tormenting the dog and Shepard's still going!
Playing with the "galaxy oobleck" that I made. The kids on pinterest were ever so artfully swirling the oobleck around to make it look like the Milky Way, and my kids immediately became aliens who left their alien hand and footprints all over the grass, driveway, and my car. My kids are way more fun than those pinterest goody goodies...
Show me your hands!
Today was finally sunny enough to make a solar oven! Good thing too because today is the last day of Silverbach Space Camp!
I didn't trust the solar oven with a dish that requires heat to kill bacteria or anything, so we just made nachos. :)
Pardon the partial nudeness... Shep was ready for the pool!