Friday, July 25, 2014

Music Lessons in Georgia...

Banjos are obviously popular here:

Of course if you hear dueling banjos in Georgia you need to run, unless the dueling banjos are being played by these guys:

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Princess BeeBoo

Riley showed a great interest in this month's Vanity Fair cover boy - Prince George!  I think they would make an excellent match.  Wills and Kate - call me and we'll make it happen!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Our Boy is Such a Romantic

Shepard: Can I watch Walking Dead?
Mommy/Daddy:  No, Shepard.
Shepard: Why not?  It's just like Paranorman!
Mommy/Daddy: No, it's not like Paranorman.  Walking Dead has blood and guts.  You have to be a grown-up to watch it.
Shepard: OK.  When I grow up and get married I'm going to spend my honeymoon watching Walking Dead.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Checking out the New Deck...

Seeing real progress in the backyard now!