Tuesday, March 5, 2013

More birthdays...

We recently attended third birthday soirees for Hartley Mae and Alfie!

Sheppy and Parker at Hartley Mae's party... These two are trouble when they get together! We'll need to keep a close eye on them in about 12 1/2 years!

And here are Shepard and Alfie at Alfie's party, enjoying some delicious cake!

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The Zoo

It's 40 degrees outside now so it's hard to believe, but a few weeks ago the weather was PERFECT so we took a trip to the zoo!

This was the first time that we saw the lion actually awake!

And the first time that we saw the tigers at all! I was starting to think the zoo was making them up!

These hornbills were the highlight of the trip. They came to the window and actually interacted with Shep for a good 10 minutes.

If you look closely at their beaks in the picture below, you can see that they brought him dead mice as a trophy. They both ran off into the shrubs, came back with the mice, and dangled them in front of Shepard very proudly. I think they thought that Shepard was their king.

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Most people that know me know that it's my DREAM for the three of us to be zombie extras on the Walking Dead. It's filmed maybe an hour from our house so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility! Hey, Walking Dead producers - look what great zombies we'd make! How can you turn down this talent?

Sheppy did his zombie picture himself, so don't judge the imperfect feature placements and poor cropping. :)

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We took Shepard to his first circus a few weeks ago - Ringling Bros "Dragons". (Not as good as the Unicorn theme from back in the day, but they set the bar high with that one!) He had a great time!

A blurry dragon:

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Bedtime Stories with Shepard

I can admit to two major faults. Not updating the blog often enough, and not filming videos in the iPad approved horizontal position. However, hopefully this video of Sheppy reading "The Monster at the End of this Book" is cute enough to help you forgive my aforementioned faults. Our boy is sooooo smart! So smart, in fact, that he will surely always remember to hold his camera in the horizontal position, unlike dummy Mommy.

YouTube Video

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