Thursday, April 29, 2010

Having Fun During Sick Day # 3!

We Love Clint

Learning how to be a man from the manliest man of them all - Clint Eastwood!

Wow, this is intense!

Do you feel lucky, punk?

Still loving Clint!

Dude... that ending was kind of depressing!

A Boy and His Corgi

So Many Toys... So Little Time!

My Hair is the Bomb, Yo.

Good Night!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Having Fun During Sick Day # 2

Serious Shepard...

Happy Shepard!

My Green Block!

I want it...

It's mine!

Well this was unexpected!

One Tequila...

Two Tequila...

Three Tequila...


Hey, there's my green block again!

Gonna get it...

Almost there...

NOOOO!!!! Not again!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Typhoid Mary Shepard

Shepard has RSV with a side of bronchiolitis so he gets to stay home for the rest of the week. It's a viral infection so we're basically just giving him nose drops and nebulizer treatments to keep him comfortable while we wait for the infection to clear up on it's own.

Margo Moo the Nebulizer - not as fun as she looks!

Shep is a real trooper!

Having Fun During Sick Day #1

Seriously - What a Faker.

You really can't tell that Shepard's sick just by watching him. The kid's tough!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Camera Shy

Shepard likes to make photographing him sitting up a challenge. Some of his favorite ways to elude the perfect picture include...

leaning out of the frame:


and puking:

Finally - success!

Lazy Sunday

Soooo sleepy:

Why are you way over there?

Feeling lonely in the jumparoo...